While running along the beach with the dog this morning, I was listening to the Outsider Magazine new Podcast series – Hard As Nails.
These are interviews with amazing people that are achieving unbelievable feats.
From Ultra Runner Eoin Keith to Top Mountain Runner and Adventure racer Moire O’Sullivan and long distance swimmer Stephen Redmond and so on.
Every episode is full of amazing stories and almost hard-to-believe accomplishments.
Well worth a listen.
However the episode that I listened to today was one with NIkki Bradley.
This is what the Blurb of the episode says:
“Nikki Bradley was diagnosed with cancer at 16. She’s on crutches permanently and faces a full leg amputation. That won’t stop her climbing mountains though.”
She is incredible.
But one thing that she said really stayed with me and gave me more drive to carry on doing what we are doing with Social Fabric.
“Inspiration, as a word can be overused. The everyday person… the ones that get up every day to do what they need to do to support their families… Look at your next door neighbour, they could be doing volunteer work every weekend …”
So humble and so true.
Have a listen to her full podcast and if you feel like listen to ours too, about people making small changes or talking about their lives that may “inspire” someone else..
You can find out more about Nikki on:
@nikkibspeaks on Twitter