Dan Buettnee’s Blue Zones (https://www.bluezones.com/) is a great study of world communities and how some fair better than other when it comes to Happiness and Longevity.
It’s worth having a read through his website or even listen to his conversation with Rich Roll (http://www.richroll.com/podcast/dan-buettner-2/)
Whar really fascinates me is, that while Dan’s studies and recommendations are great, what he really saying is that all we should be doing is to go back a few years and live our lives in a simpler and more harmonious way.
While on a visit to Italy, I observed people in the small villages and small towns (like Ostia Antica, just outside Rome) where people are still sitting in parks, talking to one another and walking with a small bag of grocery the few minutes back and forth to their houses.
The blue zones pivotal points are:
access to fresh produce within walking distance
healthier eating
is that simple…
see below the front page message from the Blue Zones Website….
Good Food For Thought
Our success in cities, businesses, and states across America makes Blue Zones Project a proven model for transforming the health of large populations.
Double digit drops in obesity, smoking, and BMI (body mass index)
Millions of dollars of savings in healthcare costs
Measurable drops in employee absenteeism
“…the results are stunning.”
– Dr Walter C. Willett, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health