Andrea Splendori

Mar 28, 20211 min

I know nothing.

Over the past couple of months I have had the opportunity and the privilege to have been asked to be on a couple of podcasts as a guest.

A big change for me.

I am normally very comfortable on the side of the microphone where I listen for about 80% of the time.

I am obviously delighted that others feel that I may have some contribution to make to their programmes and quests for a better world.

I have also been asked to join a group of like minded and wonderful people to share our knowledge and, once again, improve ourselves and our clients.

A think thank. A mastermind group. Wonderful.

Give these interactions, I found myself saying out loud a number of times what I have known most of my life.

"I know nothing."

I wake up every morning with the knowledge that my knowledge is limited, that what I learned yesterday was amazing, but there is plenty more to learn today.... and a for tomorrow ... well that's a whole new game.

But the knowledge that I am starting from zero, really helps me appreciate every little thing that comes my way. Be it from a book, a conversation, a mastermind session, an interview, an email and even one of the hundreds of whatsapp messages that come through ad nauseam.

It is a liberating and stimulating way to live my life.

Confucius' quote below, kind of sums it up

“He who knows all the answers has not been asked all the questions.”
